Our Mission

Love God
We love God by living for the name and renown of Jesus. We believe He is greater. He holds the preeminent place over all creation, and sits on the throne of our lives as Lord of Lords and King of Kings, yet He knows each person intimately. We hold a very high view of His Word. We believe that Scripture is the ultimate authority, and is the unfolding story of God's work to redeem us. We sit under the Word of God, letting it inform our worldview, and we begin and end everything in prayer. We believe that prayer fuels the furnace of our lives.
Love People
We are a covenant community that lives with open hands. That means that we are committed to one another, and not simply an organization. We believe strongly that we are called to know one another, care for one another and carry the burdens of those in our church family. We don't simply show up to a service, we do life together. We believe that God has blessed each of us uniquely, and it is our joy to offer everything we can in generosity. As freely as we receive, our hands remain open so we can freely give to others. This is what the New Testament Church looked like, and we are happy to continue the faithfulness of the earliest Christians.

Make Disciples of Jesus Christ
Like a lighthouse guiding ships to safety, we hold the light of life high for all the world to see. We hold the door open so to usher others into the presence of God, and we go everywhere that God would send us. We are called to go across the street, across the country and to the end of the Earth to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to the world. We don't desire to make converts, our goal is to make disciples who commit their entire lives to following him. We celebrate every person who calls on Jesus for salvation, and then we run together this race that has been marked out for us. We grow together to become spiritually mature people who thrive on building God's Kingdom.
The Vision
By 2030 we would like to be able to look at our church and be able to say this: We are a light to the world. We are a covenant community of 500 individuals that make up a beautifully diverse body of believers across all ages and backgrounds that live for the renown of Jesus. We see lives transformed every week, and celebrate 50 baptisms per year. We are a people who sit under the authority of the Word of God, and have 100 different groups that are growing together in faith and knowledge of the Word. We pray continually because it fuels everything else that we do. We are a church that makes disciples, not converts, and takes seriously the mission to go to the ends of the earth by having reached hundreds of people in Tuscaloosa, having sent over 25 people into the mission field and planted another church that is well on its way to becoming an autonomous sending church itself.