...To Judea, to Samaria and to the end of the earth
Acts 1:8
One of our primary callings as a church is to be a light to the world. Join us on our mission to make the name of Jesus known all over the globe. We believe that God has strategically placed us in a community where we can make an impact, but we know that it doesn't stay local. We are a sending church. In our missions ministry, you will be equipped to pray, give and go. We support missions through the SBC Cooperative Program, but we also send and support other missions organizations, as well as individual missionaries and church planters all over the world!
Our Current Missions
The SBC compiles the gifts forwarded from state conventions for missions and ministries across the United States and around the world. Southern Baptist missions and ministries include North American and international missions, theological education, ethics and religious liberty, and general operating expenses.
Good Samaritan Clinic exists to promote the dignity and healing of all human life by providing primary health and dental care, information, and referral for the low income and medically uninsured in West Alabama.
Hydromissions is a faith-based organization dedicated to furthering the Gospel of Jesus Christ by providing safe water to those in impoverished communities around the world. Through the use of low-tech equipment and services, Hydromissions is able to develop safe water solutions worldwide.
As one of our strategic local partners, New Day Women's Center (Formerly Sav-A-Life) exists to provide hope for abundant life beginning with conception by empowering women and families through medical, physical, emotional, and spiritual assistance.
The purpose of Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries is to protect, nurture, and restore children and families through Christ-centered services. As a church, we want to see every child cared for, and this ministry partner is doing incredible work.
ONE Mission Tuscaloosa County is a Christian ministry engaging the local Church in helping with the physical and spiritual transformation of those in need in Tuscaloosa County. Transformation comes through our Connection Center, Bridge of Love, ministries, programs, community outreach, donation center and resale boutique. We use the resources God has given us, and our community, to impact His Kingdom, for His Glory.
Serve Tuscaloosa
We have lots of opportunities to serve our own community.
Learn about some of our local missions partners above, and sign up to help meet needs and share the Gospel in our city.
Join the mission to go to the End of the earth
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip [Alaska 2025]
In the Summer of 2025 we will be going to serve in Alaska. We are building our team now. If you are interested, fill out the form in the link below.